General Council

Meeting of the General Council, Geneva, 1922


The General Council recommends that the Secretariat take occasion, when possible, to extend invitations to member societies to delegate nominees who shall undertake, by means of visits to the headquarters of other national societies and to the headquarters of the League, extensive studies of the organization methods of Red Cross Societies and their activities, notably public health, nursing, popular health instruction and Junior Red Cross”.


The General Council considers that the promotion and stimulation of public health nursing should form an integral part of the programme of every national Red Cross Society, provided this task is not already accomplished by other organizations, and recommends:

1. That each national Red Cross Society appoint a Red Cross Public Health Nursing Committee.

2. That the League continue during the ensuing two years the international course for the training of teachers of public health nursing: and that the League’s Nursing Division be prepared, whenever requested by a national Red Cross Society, to render active help in public health nursing, and to assist in all matters pertaining to the nursing field.

3. That the League Secretariat endeavour to stimulate the organization of schools of nursing of the highest order in those countries in which institutions of this character do not already exist.

4. That all national Red Cross Societies press the public authorities in their respective countries to improve the material and moral standing of public health nurses. The General Council, recognizing the great advantage to be derived from the establishment of an international course of training for teachers in public health nursing at a centre readily accessible to the countries of the two American continents, and the Far East, recommends that the League Secretariat examine the possibilities in this regard in consultation with the Societies concerned, with a view to instituting such a course”.

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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