Election of two Vice-Chairmen of the Leaque
The Executive Committee,
Noting with deep regret the death of Vice-Chairman Rajkumari AMRIT KAUR and the resignation of Vice-Chairman Alfred M. GRUENTHER,
Elects, to fill their unexpired terms of office for the period to the XXVIIIth Session of the Board of Governors (Vienna, September, 1965), Dr. Sushila NAYAR, Chairman of the Central Managing Body of the Indian Red Cross, and Mr. E. Roland HARRIMAN, Chairman of the American Red Cross”.
Siqnatory authorities for Bankinq Documents
The Executive Committee,
Decides that as of October 1, 1964,
Mr. Charles-Andre Schussele, Director, Junior Red Cross Bureau, and
Mr. William Cassis, Director, Administration and Personnel Bureau
shall be authorized to sign banking documents of the League either jointly or with one of the League officers already empowered to do so; viz:
Mr. Henrik Beer, Secretary General
Baron van Zeeland, Treasurer General
Mr. Nedim Abut, Under Secretary General
Miss Yvonne Hentsch, Director, Nursing Bureau
Mr. Paul Tischhauser, Director, Office of the Treasurer General”.