Executive Committee

Meeting of the Executive Committee, Geneva, 17-19 September 1947

At the request of Lady Owen (Australian Red Cross), a drafting committee was appointed with two woman members:

Australian Red Cross (Lady Owen)

Brazilian Red Cross (Mr. Sloper)

British Red Cross (Miss Warner)

French Rod Cross (Mr. de Truchis de Varennes)

A glimpse is offered of the structure of the Secretariat:

“11. Functioning and Activities of the Secretariat of the League.

The Directors of Sections;

(a) Organisation and Development (Mr. H.-T. Dunning)

(b) Relief (Mr. E. Winsall)

(c) Nursing (Miss Y. Hentsch)

(d) Junior Red Cross (Mr. C. A. Schusselé, Assistant-Director)

(e) Hygiene (Dr. Z.S. Hantchef, Director ad Interim)

(f) Publications and Information (Mr. F.G. Sigerist)

each submitted a report on the principal activities of his service”

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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