Mrs. Zoy Katevas de Sclabos was a member of the Standing Commission between December 2003 and November 2007. From 1993 to 2004, Mrs. Katevas de Sclabos was President of the Chilean Red Cross and was active in various positions in the Movement since 1953, when she began as a volunteer. Outside the Movement, she was nominated as the Chief of the Chilean Foundation on High Blood Pressure, served as the Chief of the National Council on Home Accidents and held the Presidency of the National Committee on the Prevention of Home Accidents between 1985 and 1987. In recognition of her work and commitment to the Movement, she was awarded the Henry Dunant Medal in 2009. She was born on October 28th, 1932[1] and died on July 30th 2013.[2],[3],[4]
[1] Chilean Red Cross
[2] http://www.redcross.int/en/standcom/zk_en.pdf
[3] Standing Commission
[4] http://www.cruzroja.cl/noticias/cruz-roja-chilena-lamenta-informar-el-fallecimiento-de-zoy-katevas-de-sclabos-560