General Assembly

1st Session of the General Assembly, Geneva, 4-6 October,1979

“Decision No.6

Conditions for the profile of the Secretary General of the League

The General Assembly,

having examined the recommendations of the Executive Council re- lating to the conditions to be laid down by the General Assembly for the appointment of the Secretary General of the League. as required by Article 18.1 of the Constitution,

adopts the following conditions which should be sought in selecting a candidate (male or female) for the office of Secretary General: …”

“Decision No. 20

Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The General Assembly,

Having studied the report of the Nursing Advisory Committee,

Approves the report and congratulates the Committee on its excellent work. “

“Recommendation No.2

Florence Nightingale Medal

The General Assembly,

Having studied the recommendation of the Nursing Advisory Committee relating to the Revision of the Regulations for the award of the Florence Nightingale Medal,

Considering that some points in the Regulations for the award of the Florence Nightingale Medal should be clarified,

Considering that in view of the greater number of National Societies in process of formation- there should be an increase in the number of medals awarded every two. years,

Recommends to the International Committee of the Red Cross to propose to the International Conference of the Red Cross to reconsider the Regulations for the Florence Nightingale Medal (as revised in 1952), and, Recommends that at least one nurse be a member of the selection committee for the award of the medal.”

Recommendation No.3

Recommendation of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The General Assembly,

Having studied the recommendations of the Nursing Advisory Committee,

Endorses these recommendations as follows:

Appropriate Technology in Primary Health Care

Urges National Societies:

a) to encourage Red Cross personnel to identify community needs in respect of village technology that could improve the quality of life and contribute to health promotion;

b) to improve such personnel with guidelines on how to assist with the developments of such projects;

c) to motivate authorities concerned with the education and training of community health nurses, midwives and other, categories of health service personnel to include in the courses offered, those aspects of the need for village technology, and of the methods of implementation, that the particular category of health personnel could adopt tb motivate village communities to identify such needs and to take steps to develop the village technology appropriate to their circumstances.

“Nursing and Youth

Recommends the Secretary General of the League: 

– to develop and/or review health programmes for children and adolescents;

– to urge Nursing Directors/Advisers from National Red Cross Societies to strengthen the

cooperation with National Red Cross Youth Directors in order to ensure active participation of

Youth in Nursing and Community Health Programmes;

– to encourage professional orientation for youth towards Nursing and other health professions”.