General Assembly

8th Session of the General Assembly, Budapest, November 1991

“DECISION 22 Support to National Societies most in need of improving their capacity” refers to “Households headed by women” among particularly vulnerable groups.


Women in Red Cross/Red Crescent Development

The General Assembly,

Recalling Decision 33 of the Vllth Session of the General Assembly in 1989, and the endorsement of the Plan of Action on Women in Red Cross/Red Crescent Development,

Increasingly concerned about the vulnerability of women and children in situations of deprivation, including disasters,

Aware of the often weak economic, social and legal position of women, aggravated by the current adverse socio-economic conditions,

Concerned about the continued use of harmful traditional practices threatening the lives of women,

Recognising that women’s hard life in the countryside and in urban slums is not only a question of basic injustice, but also an impediment to economic and social development,

Urges all National Societies and League representatives responsible for the implementation of development programmes to:

  • consider women as a major target group for Red Cross/Red Crescent development programmes;
  • ensure that the role of women in situations of disaster is being taken into account adequately;
  • put emphasis on community-based primary health care, including child spacing. family planning and clean water supply. in order to meet some of the most urgent needs of women and children;
  • review ongoing health activities, particularly first-aid training. to ensure that they cater to the needs of the most vulnerable;
  • ensure that literacy and other training schemes for women daily concerns and aim at improving are linked to their lives;
  • promote income generation activities for women, and ensure that such projects are economically viable and become independent of subsidies from the National Societies;
  • embark upon labour-saving development projects for women, giving high priority to water and fuel supply, child care, agriculture and food processing.

“DECISION 31 AIDS: a continuing Challenge for the League” contains the following paragraph:

“Aware of the continuing need for information and education, for programmes to prevent HIV sexual transmission and HIV transmission among intravenous drug users and for measures to ensure the safety of blood supplies and adequate sterilization of medical equipment to prevent the spread of HIV,”

“DECISION 32 First Aid” contains a paragraph mentioning women:

“Encourages all National Societies to consider both the physical and psychological emergency needs of vulnerable people and to ensure that their first-aid training programmes focus on the varying needs of different groups (eg. children, young people, women and the elderly) and of people in different situations (eg. urban, rural, industrial),”


Health of Women and Children

The General Assembly,

Recognizing the major contributions that many Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies have made to improving the physical, mental and social well-being of women and children around the world,

Recalling that, in addition to General Assembly Resolutions on primary health care (1981 and 1986), a number of Decisions have been adopted by the General Assembly· which focus on improving the health of children (1983, 1985, 1986), young people (1989) and the health and development of women (1989),

Concerned about the many factors which continue to undermine the health of children and women, particularly mothers, and about their continuing vulnerability which is a major focus for the League1s Strategic Work Plan for the Nineties,

Aware that women and children frequently suffer disproportionately during armed conflicts, disasters and population displacements, and are likely to be particularly seriously affected by the negative impact of structural adjustments, national debt repayment, and continuing expenditure on armaments,

Aware that much of the disease, disability and death of women and children could be prevented or alleviated through the implementation of simple, available, low cost interventions, and that there is an urgent need to improve their access to health services, including family planning and education, in line with the Recommendations of the World Conference on Education for All,

Recognizing the important contributions that National Societies could make, in terms of advocacy and action, to support the World Summit for Children’s Declaration and Plan of Action for the Survival, Protection and Development of Children,

Recognizing the potential that National Societies have to contribute to the Nairobi Strategy for the Advancement of Women, and to mobilize for the ratification and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women,

Cognizant of the need for a holistic and integrated approach to the health of children, women and men, based on the primary health care approach, and aware of the importance of promoting and supporting the goals of the forthcoming International Year of the Family (1994),

Urges all National Societies to encourage their Heads of State and Government to ratify and implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and to contribute towards and monitor the attainment of the specific targets of the Plan of Action of the World Summit for Children and the Nairobi Strategy for the Advancement of Women,

Urges all National Societies to strengthen and develop advocacy and activities that focus on improving the physical, mental and social well-being of children and the health and development of women through sustainable community-based programmes which help to decrease vulnerability,

Urges all National Societies to continue to cooperate, collaborate, and develop networks and respectful partnerships with governments, other NGOs and relevant inter-governmental organizations in order to improve the health of women, children and young people,

Requests the Secretary General to assist National Societies through sharing information, developing human and other resources and strengthening international cooperation with inter-governmental organizations and other NGOs and to continue to take a leadership role in the follow-up to the World Summit for Children.

General Assembly

7th Session of the General Assembly, Geneva, 15 November 1989


Safe Motherhood

The General Assembly,

Concerned that as a result of pregnancy and childbirth more than 500, 000 women die every year and many millions more suffer from pain and disability for the rest of their lives,

Aware that almost all of the death, disease and disability resulting from pregnancy and childbirth takes place in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and that the risk of dying in pregnancy and childbirth is about 100 times greater in “developing” than “developed” countries,

Realising that the majority disabilities could be prevented by of these deaths, diseases and the implementation of existing knowledge and appropriate interventions,

Appreciating that the interventions will need to be wide-ranging and varied because of the many different causes, direct and indirect, of the problems resulting from pregnancy and childbirth (including inadequate access to and use of educational, employment, financial, nutritional, family planning, preventive and curative health services),

Recognising that improving the health of women and making pregnancy and childbirth safer will have a profound effect on families and communities and will make a major contribution to development,

Aware that governments, inter-governmental and nongovernmental organisations have joined forces through the “Safe Motherhood Initiative” with the aim of decreasing maternal mortality by at least half by the year 2000,

Realising that appropriate health promotion and disease prevention activities during pregnancy and childbirth also need to be assured for women in industrialised countries,

Cognizant of a number of Resolutions and Recommendations previously adopted by the General Assembly which have an important bearing on the health of girls and women, notably those focusing on Women in Development, Primary Health Care and CHILD ALIVE,

Aware of the many diverse activities that Red Cross – and Red Crescent Societies are already undertaking which will make a positive contribution to improving, both directly and indirectly, the health and well-being of women,

Urges the Secretary General to reaffirm once the commitment of the League to improving the educational status and health of girls and women through broad-based development programmes which will empower women to articulate and act upon their needs,

Requests all National Societies to strengthen and develop their existing activities and links with other organisations, in order to contribute more effectively to the Safe Motherhood Initiative through general activities that will improve the health of girls and women, and through specific activities which support national programmes to improve the services for women before, during and after pregnancy and childbirth,

Requests the Secretary General to take a strong mobilising and coordinating role, to ensure that National Societies are informed about the magnitude of the problem, its causes and solutions; to help identify possible activities that National Societies could carry out, based on their existing programmes, capacity and commitments; to assist with the identification and mobilisation of appropriate financial and other resources needed to support such activities; and to maintain close collaboration and communication with the World Health Organization and other inter-governmental and nongovernmental organisations involved with the Safe Motherhood Initiative,

Appeals to all National Societies to endeavour that sufficient human, financial and other resources are available to develop and sustain the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ involvement with the Safe Motherhood Initiative”.


Women in Red Cross/Red Crescent Development

The General Assembly,

Recalling the Decision of the VIth General Assembly in 1987 which requested the League “to draw up a plan of action to safeguard that the resources and potential of women can be fully utilized to the benefit of development work in the Red Cross/Red Crescent”,

Further recalling Resolution No. XV of the XXIIIrd International Conference of the Red Cross in 1977 in which Governments and National Societies ar8 urged to “raise the status of women socially and economically by providing opportunities for learning and leadership”,

Noting with satisfaction that the Henry Dunant Institute in collaboration with the League Secretariat conducted a study on the role of Women in the Red Cross/Red Crescent in which almost one hundred National Societies participated,

Mindful of the fact that numerous National Societies part icipat ing in the study on Women in the Red Cross/Red Crescent registered dissatisfaction with the current level of female participation,

Taking into consideration the recommendations from the Women in Development Seminar arranged by the Nordic Red Cross Societies in Norway, June 1989,

Endorses the Plan of Act ion on women in Red Development presented by the Secretary General determination to realize its proposals,

Cross/Red Crescent and expresses its

Acknowledges in particular the need for concrete policies and sustained commitments to strengthen the role of women in Red Cross/Red Crescent development,

Urges National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies:

– to respond to the needs of women in all services and training programmes,

– to ensure that women assume a legitimate share of responsibility in determining priorities and implementing policies and programmes,

– to create a favourable environment for the advancement of women

in managerial and decision-making positions,

– to share with each other and the League information, support and financial assistance towards the ultimate goal of attaining equal opportunities for men and women in all Red Cross/Red Crescent work,

Urges the League in cooperation with the ICRC to submit to the Council of Delegates in 1991 a report on the results achieved within the components of the Movement in cooperation with the Henry Dunant Institute,

Requests the Secretary General:

– to initiate and coordinate fund-raising efforts for the implementation of the Plan of Action,

– to ensure that League-coordinated disaster relief and development programmes take into account women‘s resources and needs, in particular in implementing the strategic Work Plan of the League for the 90’s,

– to initiate and coordinate the financing and organisation of regional workshops that will draw up regional action plans for the advancement of women,

– to design and implement a strategy to increase the number of competent women in management and senior delegate positions, whereby the Secretariat may serve as a model for National Societies,

– to present progress reports on the implementation of the Plan of Action to each session of the Executive Council between the session of the General Assembly.

  • One woman mentioned in context of new agreement ICRC/League:


Agreement between the ICRC and the League

The General Assembly,

Ratifies the Agreement between the ICRC and the League, upon the recommendation of the Executive Council, and

Congratulates the Chairman, Mrs. S. Spiljak, and the members of the League-ICRC Working Party.”

Two women elected to the Finance Commission:

  • Mrs Ebtisam Abdel Wahab Farag, Egyptian RC
  • Mrs. Izabela Gutfeter, Polish RC

A woman elected Chairman of the Youth Commission:

  • Mrs. Susan Douglas, Fiji RC
General Assembly

6th Session of the General Assembly Rio de Janeiro, 22-26 November 1987

“DECISION 24, The Response of the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to the AIDS Pandemic” contains this paragraph:

“Aware that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is primarily spread during sexual intercourse and that, in the absence of suitable vaccines or treatment, the control of the AIDS pandemic will depend on effective health education and information activities directed to the general public and also focused on high-risk behaviour, which can alter people’s attitudes and sexual practices;”

One woman elected to the Scrutineers’ Committee:

  • Mrs. V. Nze. Congo RC
General Assembly

5th Session of the General Assembly Geneva, 18 – 20 October 1986

“DECISION 26, Plan for Red Cross Action in the Struggle Against Racism and Racial Discrimination” contains the paragraph:

“Convinced that the evils of racial discrimination including the practice of apartheid, which relegate millions of men, women and children to lead a life of abject misery and bondage in their own

countries should be eliminated from the world”

One woman elected to the drafting commission:

  • Mrs. Maria Luisa Torres de la Cruz, Chilean RC
General Assembly

4th Session of the General Assembly Geneva, 20-24 October 1985

Nothing of substance noted.

Four individual women are mentioned: two as members of the Committee of Scrutineers, two among the nine Vice Presidents.

The members of the Committee of Scrutineers were

  • Mrs B. Maige, Burkina Faso
  • Mrs M. De Mencia, Honduras

The two Vice Presidents were

  • Mrs. Siga Seye Coulibaly, Senegal RC
  • Mrs. Mariapia Fanfani, Italian RC
General Assembly

3rd Session of the General Assembly Geneva, November 1983

Nothing of substance noted.

Three women were appointed members of the 19-strong League delegation to the Council of Delegates:

Mrs. Stefa Spiljak, Vice President

Mrs. Y. Camporini, Adviser, Statutory Matters

Mrs. D. Miserez, Relief Officer

One woman, Mrs. Alga de Franco of Colombia, was appointed member of the Drafting Committee.

General Assembly

2nd Session of the General Assembly Manila, November 1981


Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee·

The General Assembly,

Having noted the report of the XXVth Session of the Nursing Advisory Committee (May 1981),

Adopts this report and endorses the recommendations annexed thereto.”

One woman, Mrs. Stefa Spiljak, of Yugoslavia, was elected as one of the nine Vice Presidents.

One woman, Miss M.L. Torres de la Cruz, of Chile, was appointed member of the Drafting Committee.

General Assembly

1st Session of the General Assembly, Geneva, 4-6 October,1979

“Decision No.6

Conditions for the profile of the Secretary General of the League

The General Assembly,

having examined the recommendations of the Executive Council re- lating to the conditions to be laid down by the General Assembly for the appointment of the Secretary General of the League. as required by Article 18.1 of the Constitution,

adopts the following conditions which should be sought in selecting a candidate (male or female) for the office of Secretary General: …”

“Decision No. 20

Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The General Assembly,

Having studied the report of the Nursing Advisory Committee,

Approves the report and congratulates the Committee on its excellent work. “

“Recommendation No.2

Florence Nightingale Medal

The General Assembly,

Having studied the recommendation of the Nursing Advisory Committee relating to the Revision of the Regulations for the award of the Florence Nightingale Medal,

Considering that some points in the Regulations for the award of the Florence Nightingale Medal should be clarified,

Considering that in view of the greater number of National Societies in process of formation- there should be an increase in the number of medals awarded every two. years,

Recommends to the International Committee of the Red Cross to propose to the International Conference of the Red Cross to reconsider the Regulations for the Florence Nightingale Medal (as revised in 1952), and, Recommends that at least one nurse be a member of the selection committee for the award of the medal.”

Recommendation No.3

Recommendation of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The General Assembly,

Having studied the recommendations of the Nursing Advisory Committee,

Endorses these recommendations as follows:

Appropriate Technology in Primary Health Care

Urges National Societies:

a) to encourage Red Cross personnel to identify community needs in respect of village technology that could improve the quality of life and contribute to health promotion;

b) to improve such personnel with guidelines on how to assist with the developments of such projects;

c) to motivate authorities concerned with the education and training of community health nurses, midwives and other, categories of health service personnel to include in the courses offered, those aspects of the need for village technology, and of the methods of implementation, that the particular category of health personnel could adopt tb motivate village communities to identify such needs and to take steps to develop the village technology appropriate to their circumstances.

“Nursing and Youth

Recommends the Secretary General of the League: 

– to develop and/or review health programmes for children and adolescents;

– to urge Nursing Directors/Advisers from National Red Cross Societies to strengthen the

cooperation with National Red Cross Youth Directors in order to ensure active participation of

Youth in Nursing and Community Health Programmes;

– to encourage professional orientation for youth towards Nursing and other health professions”.

International Conference

32nd International Conference, Geneva, 2015

One of the features of this Conference was interviews conducted by the MS, Ms Hala Gorani, (CNN correspondent and anchor) and moderator:

“What fuels their passion for this humanitarian work, given the fact that they are volunteers?

Ms Fatima Gailani, President, Afghan Red Crescent:

I was a volunteer myself when I was 12.

My mother was a volunteer; my grandmother was a volunteer. So I come from a background of volunteers.

Even during peace, because we have lots of natural disasters in Afghanistan, our National Society was really respected and loved and lots of people wanted to be either a volunteer or a member. Quite frankly – I am talking about 50 years ago – I did not know any women around me among my family or friends who were not either a member or a volunteer.

Today it has changed a lot. Before it was the elite; today it is people. Because they are needed, people feel good.

Take a volunteer in a remote area of Afghanistan, when this recent earthquake happened in Badakhshan – the main reason that they were the first to call and tell us where the help was needed, was that it made them respectable in their community. They like that, to be respected, to help[i]”.

During the more formal part of the Conference, there were numerous references to women as victims, but also attempts to construct a different narrative, here the perspective of H.R.H. Maria Teresa, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, President of the Luxembourg Red Cross.

“As time is short, I would really like to speak about one theme that is particularly important to me. I read with great interest the engagements and pledges our Movement is making to further the protection of victims and the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence in all circumstances, especially in armed conflicts. I do want to emphasize that while women are the first victims, they are also the first not to be considered when the process of reconstruction begins. Clearly, women still lack direct influence when it comes to the identification of reconstruction priorities that are part of standard peace agreements. We need to involve them more actively in all our efforts, as it is they who are the essential actors in rebuilding post-conflict and post-disaster societies, from the family unit all the way up to the reconstruction of a safe and economically prosperous environment at country level. I would like us to go beyond conventional images of women as victims of war and consider the important input a woman can contribute to translating individual grievances into legitimate social concerns. Moreover, many of them play significant roles in building a new culture of peace at the local level by reorganizing families and communities, relaunching economic activity and promoting peace and education in community-based reconciliation. We can no longer afford to bypass women in the peace-making process, in the making of peace treaties and in policymaking on the prevention and prosecution of sexual and gender-based violence[ii]

A little later in the same intervention, she said

“I would like us to go beyond conventional images of women as victims of war and consider the important input a woman can contribute to translating individual grievances into legitimate social concerns. Moreover, many of them play significant roles in building a new culture of peace at the local level by reorganizing families and communities, relaunching economic activity and promoting peace and education in community-based reconciliation. We can no longer afford to bypass women in the peace-making process, in the making of peace treaties and in policymaking on the prevention and prosecution of sexual and gender-based violence.[iii]

Ms Päivi Kaukoranta, Director General, Legal Service, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, took the floor somewhat later and included in her statement this paragraph:

“We pay particular attention to the situation of women and girls and the most vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities. We also underline that women must play an active role in humanitarian action and decision-making.[iv]

H.E. Dr Suraya Dalil, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Geneva, also addressed the Conference and said this in her statement:

“The Afghanistan High Peace Council is a body responsible for the Peace and Reintegration Programme established in September 2010. The members of the Peace Council, including men and women, are endeavouring to pave the way for peace and stability across the country. This demonstrates that peace is one of the top priorities of the Government and should be dealt with in a manner that could bring armed opposition groups to the negotiation table and encourage them to use democratic processes[v]”.

H.E. Mr Triyono Wibowo, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia in Geneva, made – in his wider statement – the following point:

“We also need to ensure that women, who account for the majority of those affected by crises and are disproportionately affected by humanitarian emergencies, are given equal opportunity to voice their aspirations and get involved in all phases of humanitarian assistance.[vi]

H.E. Ms Nazhat Shameem Khan, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Fiji in Geneva, had this to say:

“Failure to address gender-based violence provides a poor foundation for women’s resilience and health in structuring the lives and livelihoods of individuals, families and communities. In Fiji, women play central roles in the household. They are responsible for shelter, food, the house and children – and children, are, of course, the future members of our society. When a disaster hits, it affects everyone, with women being affected the most, but supported the least.[vii]

H.E. Mr Thomas Barankitse, Ambassador, Assistant of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Burundi spoke on several issues, and included the following

“The Government of Burundi is also convinced of the pressing need to strengthen the capacities of local communities. The Burundi Red Cross has already established local branches throughout the country, encouraging women and young people in particular to become involved as stakeholders in humanitarian action. [viii]

The Conference’s Commission C, which dealt with “Joint action on the prevention of and response to sexual and gender-based violence” noticed this:

“Gender inequality and discrimination underpin SGBV and are exacerbated during emergencies. Solutions must therefore address gender equality, women’s empowerment and enlisting men and boys as agents of change.[ix]

[i] Report of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: including the summary report of the 2015 Council of Delegates; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2019?];  P 215/380 in the electronic version – it has never been printed – at

[ii] Report of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: including the summary report of the 2015 Council of Delegates; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2019?];  P 227/380 in the electronic version – it has never been printed – at

[iii] Report of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: including the summary report of the 2015 Council of Delegates; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2019?];  P 227/380 in the electronic version – it has never been printed – at

[iv] Report of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: including the summary report of the 2015 Council of Delegates; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2019?];  P 252/380 in the electronic version – it has never been printed – at

[v] Report of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: including the summary report of the 2015 Council of Delegates; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2019?];  P 293/380 in the electronic version – it has never been printed – at

[vi] Report of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: including the summary report of the 2015 Council of Delegates; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2019?];  P2 92/380 in the electronic version – it has never been printed – at

[vii] Report of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: including the summary report of the 2015 Council of Delegates; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2019?];  P 317/380 in the electronic version – it has never been printed – at

[viii] Report of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: including the summary report of the 2015 Council of Delegates; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2019?];  P 324/380 in the electronic version – it has never been printed – at

[ix] Report of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: including the summary report of the 2015 Council of Delegates; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2019?];  P 368/380 in the electronic version – it has never been printed – at

International Conference

31st International Conference, Geneva 2011

This report places the outcomes – resolutions – at the beginning of the document. Trying to be practical this Conference adopted resolutions with action plans. One of the first ones were “1.2.3. Resolution 2: 4-year action plan for the implementation of international humanitarian law”, to which was annexed “Annex 1: Action plan for implementing international humanitarian law, Objective 2: To enhance the specific protection afforded to certain categories of person, in particular children, women and persons with disabilities” which specifies that

“Specific protection is due to certain categories of person in recognition of factors such as age, gender or disabilities, which make such persons more vulnerable in times of armed conflict. To safeguard adequate protection for all victims of armed conflicts, including in situations of occupation, without discrimination, such factors must be taken into account”, and goes on to a “Objective 2.2: To enhance the protection of women in armed conflict”[i].

This, in turn, has subsections including “a) Ratification, implementation and enforcement of relevant international law”; “b) Prevention of sexual and other gender-based violence against women”; and “c) Displaced women” [ii].

[It is perfectly possible to believe in a volunteer-based Movement without believing this is a document that might actually serve any sensible purpose!]

Later in the same document, the International Conference agrees on something which is not casting women exclusively as victims and beneficiaries (in between there are plenty of examples of that):

“III. Commitment to gender equality and non-discrimination:

Promote gender equality, non-discrimination and end violence against women and children National Societies are called upon to:

1) scale up efforts for social inclusion by nondiscrimination programming and by ending violence against women and children;

2) set the example of gender equality in their own policies and programmes and to serve as role models for governments, civil society organizations and the private sector;

3) as auxiliaries, encourage States to adopt the principle of equity in legislation and public policies, and set the example of ensuring children’s rights by considering the needs and rights of children in programme and policy making, as well as serving as role models for States, civil society organizations and the private sector;

4) encourage women for greater decision making and ownership and enable men to take on their responsibilities linked to sexual activity and fatherhood[iii]”.

in the same section,

“States are strongly encouraged to:

7) empower women and girls, and engage men and boys in empowering women and girls, in the planning process and delivery of outreach on gender equality, non-discrimination, and ending violence against women and children, and engage men and boys in challenging damaging gender stereotypes[iv]

There are several other instances of use of the word “Women” in the document, but only as victims, vulnerable or beneficiaries: these have been omitted here.

[i] Report of the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent : including the summary report of the 2011 Council of Delegates : Geneva, 28 November – 1 December 2011; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2014]; P 28: P 29/304 in the electronic version at

[ii] Report of the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent : including the summary report of the 2011 Council of Delegates : Geneva, 28 November – 1 December 2011; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2014]; P 28: P 29/304 in the electronic version at

[iii] Report of the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent : including the summary report of the 2011 Council of Delegates : Geneva, 28 November – 1 December 2011; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2014]; P 39: P 39/304 in the electronic version at

[iv] Report of the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent : including the summary report of the 2011 Council of Delegates : Geneva, 28 November – 1 December 2011; Geneva : ICRC : Federation, [2014]; P 39: P 39/304 in the electronic version at 9.pdf