Board of Governors

20th Meeting of the Board of Governors, Stockholm, 1948

Resolution No I.

Declaration concerning Peace

“The Board of Governors unanimously adopts the following declaration concerning peace:

The primary role of the Red Cross in the preservation of peace is, therefore, one of conducting activities through which men, women and children through- out the world may act to relieve and prevent human suffering both at home and abroad. The Red Cross programme must be one of positive action within its proper sphere of competence. Action of this kind is the most effective expression of the aspirations of men for peace. In pursuing this basic objective the Red Cross welcomes the collaboration of all people and all agencies, national and international, genuinely concerned with the preservation of peace.

It is therefore for all national Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Lion and Sun Societies, and for each of their individual members, men, women and children, all of whom, individually or collectively, belonging to this universal federation, the League of Red Cross Societies, to support and sustain the basic Red Cross activity of mutual aid and friendly co-operation between individuals and nations, thereby contributing to the further objective of the Red Cross to contribute to the foundations on which peace can be built. To quote its founder, Henri Dunant, in “A Souvenir of Solferino “: “To encourage the ideas of solidarity between nations in doing good is to oppose war “.

Resolution No. 19.

Nursing Advisory Committee Report. The Board of Governors unanimously adopts the report of the Nursing Advisory Committee. Note: For Report of Nursing Advisory Committee, see Annex No.3.

Resolution No. 20

Social Welfare

The Board of Governors recognizing that increased attention is being given by National Societies to various activities in the field of Social Welfare, recommends that the League Secretariat continue to assist National Societies in this field and that the Nursing and Social Service Bureau be entrusted with this assistance until such time as it is considered necessary to have a special department for the purpose.

Resolution No. 21.

Voluntary Service

The Board of Governors requests that a study of the principle of voluntary (unpaid) service within the Red Cross as it relates to nurses and nurses’ aids in time of peace and war be pursued by the League and the International Committee of the Red Cross; further recommends that in view of this study, National Societies send to the League Secretariat detailed reports on the organisation, instruction and status of their voluntary personnel; trusts that detailed reports sent to the League Secretariat by National Societies on the organisation, instruction and status of their voluntary personnel may enable the study which is to be made by the League and the International Committee of the Red Cross of the principle of voluntary (unpaid) service within the Red Cross as it relates to nurses’ aids in time of peace and war, to assist further National Societies:

a) in adopting a unified basic instruction for all types of nursing auxiliaries in conformity with the views that may be expressed by the International Council of Nurses;

b) in adopting, if possible, a common designation for these auxiliaries;

c) in determining the most appropriate programmes of instruction for auxiliary personnel attached to welfare services.

Resolution No. 24.

Voluntary Service

International Council of Nurses

The Board of Governors, informed of the proposed enlargement of the International Council of Nurses library, recommends that the Secretariat of the League co-operate with the International Council of Nurses in establishing lists of the most suitable nursing text-books in all languages.

Resolution No. 27.

Nursing Scholarships Tribute to Miss Marjorie Duvillard

The Board of Governors

desires to express its deep gratitude and appreciation to Miss Marjorie Duvillard for her splendid contribution to the Red Cross and to nursing during her assignment as Field Representative of the Nursing and Social Service Bureau of the League in Latin America;