International Conference

18th International Conference, Toronto 1952

This Conference heard the word “Women” uttered three times – each time as a member of a wider group and, perhaps most significantly in an intervention by the Holy See, in which the following paragraph appeared:

“In the humanitarian task incumbent upon it for the benefit of those who suffer, the Red Cross will doubtless have a t heart to be ever mindful of those missionaries of every nationality and every denomination, of those women, nurses and valiant Sisters who serve unsparingly in hospitals, orphanages, hospices, leper colonies and other humanitarian institutions of every kind[i].”

Girls were mentioned once – as among those who had supported the Conference.

[i] [Eighteenth] XVIII international Red Cross Conference, Toronto, July-August 1952 : proceedings; [Geneva : ICRC : League], 1952; P 134; P 150/212 in the electronic version at

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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