General Assembly

10th Session of the General Assembly, Geneva, 27-30 November 1995


Women and Development

The General Assembly,

Recalling Resolution 22 of the XXVth International Conference of 1986 on “Development of National Societies as a Contribution to National Development”, Decision 23 of the VIth Session of the General Assembly of 1987 with the recommendation on “Women in Development”, Decision 33 of the VIIth Session of the General Assembly of 1989, Decision 23 of the VI lIth Session of the General Assembly of 1991, and Decision 37 of the IXth Session of the General Assembly of 1993 on Women in Red Cross and Red Crescent Development,

Taking note of the 1989 Plan of Action on Women in Red Cross and Red Crescent Development,

Acknowledging and approving of the work done by the Federation (National Societies and the Secretariat) on women and development since the last Session of the General Assembly,

Welcoming the active interest in and strong participation of the Federation (National Societies and the Secretariat) at the IVth Beijing World Conference on Women, September 1995,

Concerned about the increasing number and the deteriorating situation of women in the most vulnerable groups,

Recommends that National Societies and the Secretariat increase the integration of gender issues and the role of women in all operations and programmes, both in relief and development,

Requests that more emphasis be put on training within National Societies, the Federation Secretariat and its Delegations on gender aspects,

Urges National Societies and the Federation Secretariat to ensure full participation of women in all aspects of Red Cross and Red Crescent work, and to have a focal point for gender issues,

Requests the Secretary General to revise the Plan of Action on Women in Red Cross and Red Crescent Development with special emphasis on:

building gender aspects into all operations,

response to violence against women, especially in refugee and conflict situations,

income-generating aspects,

and report to the next Session of the General Assembly through the Development Commission,

Encourages all National Societies to allocate financial support in order to implement this Decision”.

[Elections and appointments not included in document]

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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