Board of Governors

23rd Meeting of the Board of Governors, Oslo, 1954

Resolution no 14

The Fight against Poliomyelitis

The Board of Governors,

Considering that in recent years poliomyolitis has bocome a problem of ever-increasing importance in all ports of the world.

Advises all National Societies to participate as actively as possible in the fight against this disease,

Considering that the need for qualified nursing personnel constitutes a major problem during acute outbreaks of poliomyelitis, and that equally important is the problem of providing auxiliary personnel to give artificial respiration to the many patients suffering from respiratory paralysis during their transportation to end their stay in hospital.

            Advices Red Cross Societies to train auxiliary personnel to cover this emergency, and whereas in small communities sharp outbreaks are perhaps best dealt with by mobile teams organized on a regional level, based on the principle of mutual assistance between sister Societies,

            Recommends that as this task may exceed the powers of the Red Cross, collaboration with other international health organizations working in this field, such as the World Health Organization, should be encouraged, and …”

Resolution No. 24

Congratulations to Mlle Geneviève de Gallard

The Board of Governors,

            Having learnt in the world press of the selflessness with which Geneviève de Gallard, French Red Cross flight nurse, has carried out her duty among the sick and wounded entrusted to her care, and

            Having seen that, inspired by the basic principles of the Red Cross, which make this organisation an object of international respect, she has shown herself worthy of the example set by Florence Nightingale ad so many other women who have sacrificed all in their effort to relieve the sufferings of others,

            Rejoices that such examples of altruism and humanity have been set under the emblem of the Red Cross,

            Sends Mlle Geneviève de Gallard, its warmest congratulations on the way in which she has played her part, and

            Expresses the hope that she will be considered for the award of the Florence Nightingale Medal.

… … …

Separately, The Countess of Limerick was appointed as one of the League’s representatives on the Standing Commission

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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