Board of Governors

30th Session of the Board of Governors, Istanbul, 1969


History of Nursing Teaching

The Committee,

Recognising the value of the contribution made to the teaching of the history of nursing from its origin to the end of the 19th century through the series of slides published by the League of Red Cross Societies,

Recommends that the League pursues with the assistance of the National Societies, the publication of slides illustrating the development of nursing in the 20th century”.


Nurses and the League Red Cross Development Programme

The Committee,

Having taken cognizance of the League Red Cross Development Programme,

Recognising that nurses can make a greater contribution than heretofore to the said Programme,

  1. encourage nurses in the developing countries to help their respective National Red Cross Societies in determining Red Cross nursing activities and other health Programmes which best meet the needs of the people of these countries,
  • continue to guide and assist:
  • the recipient Societies in the formulation of suitable nursing programmes which meet the country’s needs;
  • the sponsor Societies in providing them with all relevant information on the nursing needs and problems of the Societies they plan to assist;
  • ensure the co-ordination of all assistance in nursing given under the Development Programme”.


Health in the Home Teaching Programme

The Committee,

Expresses appreciation of the educational activity, as carried out by the League Nursing Bureau over the past twenty years on behalf of National Societies through the Health in the Home teaching programme;

Recommends that this activity be continued to enable new National Societies, particularly those in developing areas, to establish and develop this teaching activity as a valuable means of health education.”


Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The Board of Governors,

Having heard the Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee,

Approves the Report and congratulates the Committee on its excellent work”.

“Resolution No. 29


The Governing Board,

8. Elects on the proposal of the Committee of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen the National Societies of the following countries as members of the Nursing Advisory Committee:

Denmark; Germany (Fed. Rep.); India; Netherlands; Norway; Spain; Italy; Japan; Lebanon; Switzerland; Togo; Turkey; Liberia”

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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