Board of Governors

29th Session of the Board of Governors, The Hague, 1967


The Board of Governors,

Considering the responsibility of nurses towards developing Red Cross programmes,

Asks that the League Secretariat consider:

  1. developing criteria by which priorities may be established in order that areas of greatest need receive first consideration?
  • informing National Societies of these criteria in order that they may plan accordingly for participation in the future plan of action of the League in relation to nursing,
  • re-assessing the number of staff and the necessary supporting budgets for programmes in nursing in due proportion to the total development programme of the League”.


Red Cross Auxiliary Nursing Personnel

            The Board of Governors,

            Approves the “Red Cross Auxiliary Nursing Personnel – Basic Guidelines” drafted by the Secretariat of the League,

Recommends that the principles contained therein be adopted by the National Societies as the basis for the recruitment, preparation and assignment of their auxiliary nursing personnel

Recommends further that the said document be widely distributed to National Societies, to schools of nursing and to national and international organisations concerned with nursing”.


Nurses and Disaster Nursing

The Board of Governors,

            Recognising the need for nurses to participate in disaster relief actions, and considering that in doing so they may be called upon to work in conditions and cultures other than their own,

            Recognising further that nurses in all countries are called upon more and more to care at all times for people of various cultures and creeds,

            Recommends that the basic as well as post-basic education of the nurse in all countries should include the related teaching in social sciences, and

            Suggests that the above recommendation be referred to the I.C.N. with the wish that it be circulated to national nurses’ associations”.


Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The Board of Governors,

            Having heard the Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee,

            Approves the report and congratulates the Committee on its excellent work.”

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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