Board of Governors

26th Session of the Board of Governors, Vienna, 1965


Meeting new Needs: in Red Cross Nursing

The Board of Governors,

Considering that technical assistance is being offered to National Societies through the League Development Programme,

Recognising that there is much that nurses can contribute to the said Programme, especially in the field of health teaching to both adults and juniors,

Recommends that National Societies supporting the Development Programme in the field of nursing make full use of the best professional nursing guidance available’ in their country and ensure that any nursing assistance given under that programme remain of a high standard as well as being adapted to recognised needs”.


Guidelines for Red Cross, Nursing Activities

The Board of Governors,

Approves the Guidelines drafted by the League for Red Cross nursing service and, 

Recommends that the principles contained therein be recognised by National Societies as basic to all their nursing activities”.


Guidelines for Auxiliary Nursing ‘Personnel’

The Board of Governors,

Recommends that the League establish Guidelines for us by National Societies in the enrolment and preparation of auxiliary nursing personnel of all categories,

And thereby stresses the need for such Guidelines to remain flexible and adaptable to varying circumstances and needs in different countries”.

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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