Board of Governors

Meeting of the Board of Governors, Paris, 1922

The meeting took place with one woman present, Lady Cook, representing the Viscountess Novar, of the Australian Red Cross.

Under “9. Junior Red Cross”:

“Lady Cook said that no difficulty had been experienced in organising the Junior Red Cross in Australia: 30.000 children belonged to the organisation, and there were also 7.000 V.A.Ds. The latter arc now recruited among children who have passed the junior” stage; this step was initiated to fill the gap between the junior and senior sections and avoid losing touch with members. The Motto of the Australian Junior Red Cross is “For Me” (abbreviated from “FOR ME the soldier fought” “FOR ME he died, etc.”) The children take up the work heartily, and there is great rivalry at Christmas time as to who will make up the best parcels for soldiers.

Hundreds of garments are made by the children for dependants of soldiers, and every year in May a big exhibition is held.

While girls make up garments, the boys attend to philanthropic work such as clearing of land for soldiers: during the first week of holidays, hundreds of boys are employed in helping soldiers to paint their houses, put up fa few houses, etc. etc.

All this tends to make them good citizens.

Lady Cook said she had no hesitation in stating that if everything was left to the children themselves, the movement would grow to be a big world wide movement, which was most desirable seeing that the future depends so much on “juniors”.

“10. International Public Health Nursing Course.

The Director General referred to the arrangements concluded for the next International Course in Public Health Nursing, to be held in London. Sir Claude Hill stated that the League owed profound debt of gratitude to Sir Arthur Stanley for having arranged the ceremony at the completion of last year’s Nursing Course, and proposed that a vote of thanks be passed to Sir Arthur Stanley and to the British Red Cross. This was unanimously carried”.

Sir Arthur Stanley expressed his thanks to the Board and to Sir Claude Hill, and said that the nursing students from all parts of the world had produced a most excellent impression in London: they were all very anxious to learn and took a keen interest in everything relating to their future profession. Sir Arthur added that he personally was of opinion that the nursing activities of the League were among the most important work undertaken by the League, and that there was no doubt but that the most effective means of preventing suffering was to spread throughout the world real knowledge of the importance of sound nursing”.

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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