None of the formal participants was a woman.
Following the resolutions of the meeting, there is a list of visitors received during the year, most of whom were women:
“Visitors Red Cross:
American Junior Red Cross: Miss Anna Milo Upjohn.
Belgian Red Cross: M. Dronsart, Director-General.
Czechoslovak Red Cross: Miss Dittlerova.
French Red Cross: Mile Pierrard, Secretary-general, Junior Red Cross, Mlle de Nexon, Instructor, Red Cross Dispensary, Limoges.
Polish Red Cross: Miss Korycinska.
International Red Cross Committee: Mlle Odier”.
Among the resolutions may be found:
The Executive Committee, believing that the facilities given to national Societies for the post-graduate training of nurses in London are of the highest value, and recognizing that after 1932 no provision for the expenses of these nursing courses can be made within the budget of the League,
authorizes the Secretary General to remind national Societies forthwith of the decision of the Board of Governors and to explain to them that unless the necessary funds are secured before the end of 1931 the League will be obliged to close these courses in July 1932”.
In a separate note, one may read:
“Gift for 15 Manchester Square
The International Nurses’ House has received from the Indian Red Cross Society the gift of an old embroidered picture which it is proposed to frame and use for the decoration of the Indian Room”