Executive Committee

Meeting of the Executive Committee, Geneva, 10-12 May 1950

“Resolution No IV


The Executive Committee noted the following resolutions adopted by the Nursing Advisory Committee:


The Nursing Advisory Committee,

Wishes to put on record its pride and admiration of the devoted and selfless service rendered by the Nursing staff of the League of Red Cross Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross to the victims of the Palestinian conflict. This action, carried out most courageously and in the finest Red Cross spirit, illustrates clearly the effectiveness of international nursing teams when these are composed of well qualified and disciplined staff.


The Nursing Advisory Committee,

Whereas it is recognised that. since 1945 immense service has been rendered by the League of Red Cross Societies through its Fund for the Assistance of Sick Nurses whose health has suffered as a result of war,

Considers that such assistance shall now become the responsibility of national Societies,

Recommends that the balance of monies still available be used by the League Secretariat for special cases, such as Displaced Nurses, which national Societies may submit to the League.


The Nursing Advisory Committee,

Whereas there is general agreement that in the spirit of the Founder of the Red Cross the word “volunteer” means “one who enters into, or offers himself for any service of his own free will”, the word is applied in some countries to designate unpaid workers,

Recommends that in the future national Societies, when using the word “voluntary” indicate their interpretation of it,

Again draws the attention to the recommendation made by the Advisory Conference of Delegates of National Red Cross Societies in 1945, expressing the wish that the principle of unpaid service may continue to have a preponderant place in the Red Cross and that where voluntary aids are authorised to receive pay, a suitable difference shall be made between the pay to professional personnel and the pay to auxiliary personnel,

Whereas it is recognised that the national Societies may use their own designation for their nursing personnel,

Recommends that the League Secretariat shall cooperate with other international organisations in their attempt to find a common designation for the various categories of the said nursing personnel,

Whereas it recognises that unification of training for Red Cross nursing personnel is not practicable,

Wishes nevertheless to draw particular attention to Resolution No LII passed by the XVth International Red Cross Conference waking various recommendations for the instruction of nursing personnel in time of peace and war,

Recommends further that all Red Cross nursing personnel should receive instruction not only in first aid and elementary nursing, but also in Red Cross history and the organisation of the national Society, and of the International Red Cross, including national legislation and international agreements in time of war.


The Nursing Advisory Committee,

Recommends that the Red Cross nursing activities take place in each Society under the leadership of a nurse or of a nursing committee composed in majority of nurses.


The Nursing Advisory Committee,

Recommends that when a national Society extends relief to a sister Society, everything possible should be done to ensure that the equipment supplied is suitable for use in the country of destination and that adequate instruction be sent with it,

Recommends that an attempt be made to standardise certain essential elements of the said equipment”.

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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