Decision 6:
A Working Group on “Revision of the Constitution and Rules of Procedure of the Federation” contained no women but the GA decision mentions that it will be supported by Mrs Yolande Camporini (as well as Luc de Wever)
The General Assembly,
Recalling Decision 10 (Women and Development) of the 10th session of the General Assembly (1995),
Appreciating the approach taken by the Federation Secretariat to revise the 1989 Plan of Action on Women in Red Cross/Red Crescent Development by developing regional plans of action for the integration of a gender perspective in all programmes and organizational structures,
Acknowledging that gender relations are culturally specific and socially constructed and that gender perspectives need to be regarded as an important dimension of all Red Cross and Red Crescent activities rather than a separate issue,
Invites all National Societies:
- to
participate actively in the implementation of the regional plans of action,
- to develop and use tools which will enable gender analysis to become an integral part of any programme from planning to evaluation,
- to review ongoing programmes, activities, staffing and volunteer structures with a gender perspective to ensure that they take into account the different roles, strengths and needs of men and women, both as participants and beneficiaries,
- to integrate gender perspectives in disaster response and refugee programmes, as emergencies can lead to rapid changes in gender relations that may challenge the traditional views of women and men, either creating opportunities for positive change or leading to more discrimination, and
- Requests the Secretary General to draft a policy on gender perspectives in consultation with National Societies and other humanitarian organizations and present this to the 12th session of the General Assembly in 1999”
Decision 38. Female Genital Mutilation: Text not included
One woman elected Vice President:
- Ms Janet Davidson, Canadian RC
Two women appointed to the Drafting Committee:
- Ms Ximena Blanco Alamos, Chilean RC
- Mrs Anne Ormond-Ronca, Swiss RC
One woman appointed to the Committee of Scrutineers:
- Mrs Esther L. Okwanga, Zimbabwe RC
One woman was elected to the “Advisory Commission on the Strategic Plan”
- Mrs Razia Essak-Kauaria, Namibian RC
Two women were elected to the Youth Commission:
- Mrs Mavy A. Harmon, Brazilian RC
- Mrs Laura Villavicencio Salabarria, Cuban RC
Three women were elected to the Disaster Relief Commission:
- Ms Esther L. Okwanga, Zimbabwe RC
- Mrs Eva von Olreich, Swedish RC
- Mrs Oktamkhon Vakhidova, Uzbek RC
Six women were elected to the Development Commission:
- Ms Gisele Razafindrakoto, Malagasy RC
- Ms Despina Perimenis, Hellenic RC
- Mrs Heh-Nam Kim, Rep. of Korea RC
- Ms Jakobina Thordardottir, Icelandic RC
- Mrs Meneca de Mencia, Honduran RC
- Mrs Marlene R. Cabenda, Suriname RC
One woman elected to the Health and Community Services Commission:
- Mrs Maria Rosa Belliard, Dominican RC