Who attended the meeting is not noted in the document available.
The Executive Committee notes with satisfaction that the Florence Nightingale International Foundation will be inaugurated in London in July 1934, and that the League will be represented on the Governing Body of the Foundation by Dr. A. Masarykova, President of the Czechoslovak Red Cross, the Marchesa di Targiani Giunti of the Italian Red Cross, Mlle Odier of the International Red Cross Committee, Mr. Ernest J. Swift , Secretary General of the League, and Mrs. Carter, Chief of the Nursing Division. The Secretary General is authorized to assure the Foundation that cordial support will be given by the League for the purposes for which it stands. The Secretary General is also authorized to take such steps as may appear advisable, when the Foundation has been duly constituted, to hand over to it the assets hither-to held by the League in connexion with the International Nursing Courses in London. The Executive Committee expresses its deep gratitude to the Council of Bedford College, to the House Committee of Manchester Square, to the Council of the College of Nursing, and to the British Red Cross Society, for the very helpful co-operation given to the League during the thirteen years of its responsibility for the International Nursing Courses in London”.