Board of Governors

Meeting of the Board of Governors, Oxford, 1946

The Board of Governors spent time discussing the principles underpinning Red Cross Red Crescent work, taking as their starting point a shared view of what these had been, till then:

“The impartiality, the political, religious and economic independence, the universality of the Red Cross and the equality of the National Red Cross Societies”

To this the Board added another 13 principles, including:

“6. That, if, despite all efforts to the contrary, war should break out, a Red Cross Society must direct all its efforts to lessening the distress caused by the war to improving the condition of the sick, wounded and prisoners of war; to protecting the civilian population, particularly women and children, from the horrors of war and to giving them moral and material help; this work to be carried out either independently or in co-operation with the services of the Armed Forces and with the Government’s Civil Defense Services”.

To this they added six standards for the application of the principles, two of which were:

“5. A Red Cross Society should encourage and promote the Junior Red Cross movement amongst boys and girls. The aims of this movement are to teach the importance of service to others, the formation of healthy habits of living, the development of a sense of social responsibility and the strengthening of the great bond of international friendship existing bet ween Junior Red Cross Sections of National Red Cross Societies all over the world.

6. In preparation of nursing and first aid services, a National Red Cross Society should train nurses and other personnel to render medical and other forms of supplementary assistance to the public both during war and during peace”.



Tribute to trained nurses and voluntary aids

The Board of Governors pays tribute to the trained nurses and voluntary aids in all parts of the world, who gave up their lives whilst upholding the spirit of the Red Cross, and have thus merited its undying gratitude.


Voluntary (unpaid) service within the Red Cross

The Board of Governors expresses the wish that the principle of voluntary (unpaid) service within the Red Cross be safeguarded. Owing to the importance of the question, it expresses the wish that the League and the International Committee of the Red Cross undertake a thorough study of this question as it relates to nurses and voluntary aids in time of peace and war.


Official status of nurses

Recognizing the rapid expansion of the health services in all the countries, the importance of the role of the nurse in those services and the necessity to ensure an adequate number of nurses, The Board of Governors recommends that the national Red Cross Societies encourage whenever necessary the passing of legislation defining the status of the nurse and the conditions under which she works and to which her responsible position entitles her; it recommends moreover that this be done wherever possible through the national Nurses’ Associations.


Basic training of Red Cross nurses – Reciprocity and exchange of nurses between countries

The Board of Governors recommends that the effort already undertaken by the League be pursued with a view to unifying the basic training of Red Cross trained nurses in conformity with the recommendations of the International Council of Nurses, and of facilitating reciprocity as well as the exchange of nurses between one country and another.


Training and common designation of Voluntary Nursing Aids

The Board of Governors recommends that the Secretariat should consider which should be the essential items to be included in the programme of instruction for Voluntary Nursing Aids in all countries and should encourage the adoption of a common designation for these aids.


Instructions on social questions for Red Cross nursing personnel

The Board of Governors expresses the hope that instruction relating to social questions shall be included in the programmes of instruction for Red Cross nurses and voluntary aids.


Hospital libraries and Hospital welfare work

The Board of Governors recommends that national Societies include in their programmes the study of hospital libraries and hospital welfare work.


Nursing Scholarships

The Board of Governors recommends that the League should continue to assist national Societies by awarding scholarships either for basic training in nursing or for post-graduate study or study visits of a short duration.


Information Bulletin for Red Cross Nurses

The Board of Governors recommends that the League should continue to publish the “Information Bulletin for Red Cross Nurses” and give it the widest possible distribution. It further recommends that publication of this Bulletin in a Slav language should be envisaged.


Missions and visits

The Board of Governors emphasizes the importance of personal contacts between the Nursing Bureau of the League and the Nursing Departments within the various national Red Cross Societies and recommends that these contacts be as frequent as possible.


Promotion of Nursing in Latin America

The Board of Governors notes with satisfaction the special efforts made by the League in nursing in Latin America which has contributed to the promotion of nursing in that Continent; it therefore expresses the wish that this action be further pursued,


Assistance to sick nurses

The Board of Governors expresses the hope that the necessary funds be placed at the disposal of the League to enable it to continue its assistance to sick nurses.


Florence Nightingale International Foundation

Whereas the Florence Nightingale International Foundation bears the name of Florence Nightingale who was not only an accomplished nurse, but also a pioneer and an organizer whose influence is still felt in health and social services throughout the world;

Recognizing that the contributions made by the League of Red Cross Societies and by the International Council of Nurses to the Foundation are of paramount importance;

Recognizing that the international courses organized by the Foundation with the co-operation of Bedford College and the Royal College of Nursing have hitherto rendered great service;

The Board of Governors expresses the wish,

that the League of Red Cross Societies should maintain its interest in the Foundation namely:

by enabling scholarship students from the League to follow post-graduate studies under the auspices of the Foundation;

by encouraging the development of national Florence Nightingale Memorial Committees and the granting of scholarships by national Red Cross Societies through these Committees;

by ensuring that the League is adequately represented on the directing bodies of the Foundation;

that the Foundation should retain complete autonomy in regard to all international bodies; that nurses should have a leading part in its management and administration;

That its whole policy should continue to develop a spirit of universality and international understanding and be broadened to take into account the increased opportunities for study which exist in the various countries.


Nursing Advisory Committee

The Nursing Advisory Committee, in view of the fact that the meetings of the said Committee are of undeniable value to national Red Cross Societies,

Recommends that the League should organize such meetings as frequently as possible, and, in any case, not less than once every second year.