Board of Governors

32nd Meeting of the Board of Governors, Tehran, 1973

“Resolution No. 25

Nursing and the Community

The Board of Governors,

Recognizing that in community health services, both preventive and curative, the nurse is called upon to provide leadership and coordination,

Recommends that her expertise be used to the full at all levels, local, national and international, in programme planning, implementation and evaluation,

Furthermore recognizing the need for nurses to keep fully informed of events in professional development,

Also recommends that nurses participate in conferences, workshops and other gatherings at which overall issues of community services are being studied, as well as in educational programmes, which can help them to be pre- pared for the role they should play in community development”.

“Resolution no. 26

Nursing within the League

The Board of Governors,

Taking into account the study on the reappraisal of the role of the Red Cross and the possible re-structuring which may follow.

Recognizing the present development of nursing,

Considering the League to have a dual responsibility

  • to contribute to the maintenance of the highest possible standards in nursing education and practice
  • to develop the participation of nursing as a profession in joint planning of the Red Cross programmes within the League,

Recommends that a committee of experts in nursing be retained within the statutory structure of the League with a direct channel of communication to the governing bodies of the League”.

“Resolution No. 27

Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The Board of Governors,

Having heard the report of the Nursing Advisory Committee,

Approves the report and congratulates the Committee on its excellent work”

“Resolution No. 36


The Board of Governors,

7. Elects the National Societies of the following countries as members of the Nursing Advisory Committee for a period of four years:

Germany (Fed.Rep.); Great Britain; Korea (Rep.); Lebanon; Netherlands; Switzerland; and


By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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