Board of Governors

34th Meeting of the Board of Governors, Bucharest,1977


Nursing’s role in pre-disaster planning and relief

The Board of Governors

recommends that the League’s Nursing Advisers should draw up guidelines on the nurse’s role in pre-disaster planning and relief and should be free to consult such experts as they wish.

recommends further that National Societies be urged to include nurses at all levels as members of the predisaster planning committee, such committees being set up on a multi-disciplinary basis”.


Inclusion of the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and of  the Geneva Conventions in the training syllabus of doctors and nurses

The Board of Governors

recommends that the League approach the ICRC and the WHO to explore the possibility of sending a circular letter to Governments asking them to include in the training syllabus of doctors and nurses the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and of the Geneva Conventions. National Societies should be urged to contact the appropriate Ministers in their respective countries for the same purpose”.


Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The Board of Governors

having heard the report of the Nursing Advisory Committee.

approves the report and congratulates the Committee on its excellent work”.



The Board of Governors

7. elects the National Societies of the following countries to membership of the Nursing Advisory Committee (15 members) for a four-year term of office:

Costa Rica; Egypt; Germany (Fed. Rep.); Ghana; Greece; Japan; Korea (Rep.); Lebanon;

Senegal; South Africa; Switzerland; Thailand; Trinidad and Tobago; Turkey; Venezuela”

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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