Board of Governors

Meeting of the Board of Governors, Tokyo, 1934


The Secretary-General is instructed to convey to Dame Alicia Lloyd Still, President of the Florence Nightingale International Foundation, the deep interest with which the League of Red Cross Societies will follow the Foundation’s work in providing nursing facilities for post-graduate nursing education. The Board expresses the hope that national Red Cross Societies will co-operate closely with national nursing associations in the endeavour to place the Foundation upon a solid financial basis. The representatives of the League on the Grand Council and on the Committee of Management of the Foundation are instructed to give special attention, when co-operating in working out the policies of the Foundation, to the great benefits which national Red Cross Societies may derive from the facilities provided by the Foundation”.

“Resolution 6

The Board of Governors notes with approval the intention of the Secretary-General to extend and develop the activities of the League Secretariat in the nursing field, and instructs him to present a programme of proposed work in this field for approval by the Executive Committee at a forthcoming meeting.”

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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