Board of Governors

Meeting of the Board of Governors, Paris, 1932


The stimulus provided by the League nationally and internationally.

The Board of Governors,

Considering that the Red Cross spirit represents an invaluable factor of world stability and a rallying point for men and women of goodwill in all countries, …”


Juniors and Adult Membership

The Board of Governors,

Considering that the Junior Red Cross prepares boys and girls for future Red Cross work and awakens in them the desire to give service to the Red Cross throughout their lives,


            That National Societies endeavour to present a programme of activity suited to the needs of adolescents when they leave the Junior Sections, thereby retaining them within the ranks of the Red Cross, and

That the Secretariat of the League continue to study this question and inform National Societies of the best methods, ideas and suggestions”.


Rural Hygiene.

The Board of Governors,

Noting with interest that the European Rural Hygiene Congress, assembled at Geneva in 1931, under the auspices of the League of Nations, emphasised the importance of the contribution the Red Cross can make to the improvement of health in rural districts, Observing that the efforts of the national Red Cross Societies which have undertaken activities of this character, especially rural nursing, have encountered a large measure of success, Authorizes the Secretariat to study the principles and methods of rural health work in consultation with such representatives of interested Societies and rural hygiene experts as will serve without cost to the League”.


Florence Nightingale International Federation

The Board of Governors, Endorsing the action by which the Executive Committee has pledged the support of the League to the plan of the International Council of Nurses to establish a “Florence Nightingale International Foundation”, taking as basis the international nursing courses instituted by the League in London,

Expresses its thanks to the American National Red Cross for enabling the League to continue to finance the present courses up to July 1933,

Urges the national Red Cross Societies to cooperate with the National Nursing’ Associations in securing funds for the proposed Foundation, and notably in raising the sum of £ 5,000 in the form of 20 scholarships of £250 each, necessary to allow of the courses being carried on through the academic year 1933-34,

And requests Sir Arthur Stanley, in conjunction with two members of the Secretariat to be designated by the Secretary General, to constitute, with three nominees of the International Council of Nurses, an interim committee for the purpose of making arrangements for the 1933-34 courses”.


The Nursing Programme

The Board of Governors, Considering that the XVth International Red Cross Conference, like the Xl Vth, should include nursing representatives from as many National Societies as possible, Noting with interest that a meeting of the International Council of Nurses is to be held in Paris and Brussels in July 1933 and that many prominent nurses from different countries will participate,


(1) That the endeavour be made to arrange for the constitution of a Nursing Commission as one of the Commissions off the 1934 Conference;

(2) That the Secretariat be authorized to take advantage of the meeting of July 1933 to invite representative Red Cross nurses to meet at League headquarters and formulate suggestions regarding nursing questions to be placed on the agenda of the XVth Conference; (3) That the Secretariat be further authorized to continue during the coming two years, providing educational facilities for nurses on the request of national Red Cross Societies”           

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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