Board of Governors

Meeting of the Board of Governors, [sine loco], 1925


The Board of Governors:

Considering it important that the Red Cross should afford protection to emigrants, both as a humanitarian duty and as a mission of hygiene and education, as well as a means of strengthening the Red Cross itself;

Approves the first steps taken by the Secretariat in this direction and recommends the institution of a permanent Emigration Division in the League Secretariat.

This Division will collaborate with the International Labour Office and, (both by the intermediary of this Office and directly), with all independent, national or international organizations for the protection of Emigrants; it will advocate that the Public Health Nurse should not only supervise the health of the emigrant before, during and after emigration, but that she should also direct and guide the emigrant and his family from the moment they decide to emigrate, in order to avoid any exploitation of emigrants and to facilitate their adaptation in the new country of their adoption; the division will also recommend that the Public Health Nurse’s training should be such as to fit her to carry out these duties.

The Division will strive to prevent the emigration of children without parents or guardians, and will notify the national Red Cross Societies of the advantages accruing from bringing the Red Cross idea home to rural populations through the protection of emigrants, which will result in extending the activities of the Red Cross, increasing its resources and the number of its members, and disseminating the principles of hygiene and civic duty in the most remote villages and among the most humble families”.


The Board of Governors expresses its satisfaction at the coming opening of the Home for the League International Nursing Students in London as the result of the generous initiative taken by Dr. Masarykova.

The Board of Governors authorizes the formation of a Supervising Committee which shall include a representative, residing in London, of each of the Societies which has subscribed to this project in addition to the Director General of the League and the Chief of the Nursing Division. This Committee will itself fix the dates of its meetings. The Board of Governors authorizes the Director General to engage

1. A Directress of studies at a maximum salary of £420 per annum;

2. A matron at a salary of £100 per annum in addition to board and lodging;

3. A half-time stenographer;

4. A domestic staff of seven”.


The Board of Governors hereby appoints the under-mentioned members to serve on the Executive Committee as from December 31st, 1925:

  • M. ATHANASAKI (Greek Red Cross).
  • M. CONILL (Cuban Red Cross).
  • Colonel DRAUDT (German Red Cross).
  • M. KAWAI (Japanese Red Cross).
  • Mlle MASARYKOVA (Czechoslovak Red Cross).
  • M. VAN RIEMSDIJK (Netherlands Red Cross)”.


The Board, after examining the report of the Director-General with regard to the Nursing Home and Centre in London:

(1) approves the action of the Chairman and the Director-General in leasing the house in London and in making the necessary arrangement for providing for the necessary alterations and furnishings, at a total cost of approximately £5,500 from the funds thus far contributed;

(2) instructs the Director-General to establish as a capital fund the balance of the contributions thus far received, after the necessary payments for initial expenses are made and to add to this fund all later contributions, the interest from the fund to be used to meet the annual administrative charges;

(3) authorizes the Director-General to examine the possibility of obtaining additional contributions to the capital fund subscribed in order to complete the amount necessary to give an annual income sufficient to cover the administrative costs;

(4) decides that the Administrative Committee to be designated by the Board be authorized to administer the fund for the Nurses’ Home and Centre, subject to control by the Board of Governors, and in agreement with the Director-General and the Treasurer-General;

(5) approves the budget for the Nurses’ Home and Centre and authorizes the employment of the personnel therein provided for, in accordance with the resolution proposed by the First Sub-Committee”.

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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