Board of Governors

Meeting of the Board of Governors, [sine loco] May 1927


Report of Second and Third Commissions

The Second and Third Commissions, merged by your decision, have appointed me to submit the report on their labours. Our task was to examine the activities of the League Secretariat, that is, the work accomplished by the technical divisions during the past year and the special mandates entrusted to these divisions. We have drawn the following conclusions from this examination

3. The Nursing Division

The Nursing Division submitted its report and requested the approval of the Board of Governors for its general policies as outlined in the report and for the further development of its activities, with special reference to:

(1) The International Courses of the League in London;

  1. The further development of the International Courses;
  2. The placing of these courses in the hands of an Education Committee appointed by Bedford College (University of London) on which shall be represented the College of Nursing and the Nursing Division of the League;
  3. The organization of a Refresher Course in London in 1928 for the International Graduates.

(2) The action taken to obtain funds from a philanthropic organization for the financing of the above projects.

(3) The purchase of the thirty-year lease of 15, Manchester Square.

The Commission expressed its appreciation of the work accomplished and recommended that the report be adopted by the Board.


The Commission, after considering the report on this question, recommends that the Board of Governors modify the present constitution of the Advisory Council as follows: a) It shall authorize the creation of an International Advisory Council, as small as possible, but sufficient to represent at the same time technical and geographical interests. This Council shall be composed of specialists of recognized standing and representing in their individual capacities the fields of : health, nursing, disaster relief and Junior Red Cross. Appointments to this Council shall be made by the Executive Committee for a period of three years”.

By admin

30-odd years with the Movement - National Society, International Federation and Standing Commission, for some reason never ICRC.
Presently a free spirit and attached to Sandefjord Red Cross

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