Apparently, no women were formally present in the
meetings as such.
“Mrs. W.K. Draper, Chairman of the New York Chapter of
the American Red Cross, who was passing through Paris and had been good enough
to honour the Committee with her attendance at this meeting”.
During a discussion on the subject of League
Secretariat involvement in the organization of Red Cross committees in British
Colonies, it was proposed that Mrs. Carter, a member of the Secretariat and of
British nationality might be a possible representative, along with two gentlemen,
at the forthcoming British Empire Red Cross Conference to be held in London.
“The CHAIRMAN introduced Point f): Nursing Division,
and called-upon Sir Edward Stewart.
Sir Edward STEWART:
The usual quarterly reports of the activities of the Nursing Division have been
circulated to all members of the Executive Committee. In addition to this, a
memorandum has been circulated to the members, in which it is stated that the
recommendations passed at the meeting of the Advisors on Nursing held last
October have been circulated to the national Red Cross Societies. Copies of the replies have been attached to
the memorandum for the information of the members of the Executive Committee.
On studying this
carefully, it will be seen that in general the recommendations have been
approved by the national Red Cross Societies and also by the International Red
Cross Committee, with the exception of Recommendation IV to which the Hungarian
Red Cross has raised an objection. This recommendation lays down the policy to
be adopted by the League when called upon to advise with regard to the
organization of Schools of Nursing in countries where the number is insufficient, and in
addition to recommending Red Cross Societies to establish Schools of Nursing of the
highest type, it recommends that “the League encourage Red Cross Societies
to contribute still further to the development of nursing by stimulating
their Governments and private agencies to undertake the establishment of
schools and by collaborating sympathetically with them”
The Hungarian Red
Cross (full text of the letter has been circulated to the members of the
Executive Committee) is averse to the principle of encouraging the Government
to undertake the establishment of training schools for nurses but wishes
the training of nurses to be concentrated in the hands of the Red Cross, the
latter to receive subvention from the Government for this purpose.
It is proposed that
this question be placed on the agenda of the XIVth International Red
Cross Conference and that the Hungarian Red Cross be asked to present a report
on it for discussion by the Nursing Commission.
Certain other suggestions
and minor comments have been made by other Red Cross Societies but these do not
in any way
alter the principle laid down in the recommendations.
The recommendation
made by the Advisors on Nursing that the three Recommendations No. V, No. VII and No.
VIII be submitted to the XIVth International Red Cross Conference
was approved by the Executive Committee at its last meeting. As these deal with
three important and distinct questions, it is proposed. that they appear on the
agenda of the XIVth International Red Cross Conference under the
following headings:
- Enrolment of the trained nurse and training and enrolment of the voluntary aids.
(Report submitted by the League of Red Cross Societies – Recommendation No. V).
- Nursing education
(Report of Education Committee, International Council of Nurses –
Recommendation No, VII).
- The training of an auxiliary public health nursing personnel
(Recommendation No. VIII).
Item No.5 (k) on the
agenda of the Executive Committee refers to the policy to be adopted by the
League when collaborating with Red Cross Societies in the development of their
schools of nursing, especially with
reference to the sending of foreign teaching personnel for this purpose. This
question was very fully discussed by the advisors on Nursing at their meeting in
October 1929 and Recommendation No. IV was passed; paragraph 6 referring
especially to the question reads as follows:
Advisory Committee approves, as being of fundamental importance, the League’s
policy of encouraging these countries to send educated women to foreign schools
for full training, or for post-graduate work for the purpose of preparing
themselves to build up schools of nursing and to develop nursing activities
in their own countries. The Advisory Committee further believes that
simultaneously with this process of educating women for leadership in nursing,
these countries may find it helpful to start their schools through the
assistance of nurse leaders borrowed temporarily from other countries. It
is believed, however, that better results will be obtained if these nurses are of the
same ethical group as those of the country which seeks their assistance”.
It is proposed that
the League; adopt the policy laid down in this recommendation, it being left to
its discretion to make use of foreign personnel if it is considered to be in
the interest of the country in question.
Sir Edward STEWART
summarized the three points which he wished to embody in his proposal:
- that the question of schools of nursing be placed
on the agenda of the XIVth International Red Cross conference and
that the Hungarian Red Cross be invited to present its report;
- that Recommendations V, VII and VIII made by the Advisors
of the Nursing Division
be laid before the XIVth Conference;
- that the League adopt the principles laid down in
recommendation IV, it being left to its discretion to decide as to the
advisability of seeking the collaboration of foreign personnel if it is considered
to be in the interest of the country concerned.
The CHAIRMAN asked
whether there were any further questions.
thought that in the light of the proposals made by Sir Edward Stewart the
national Red Cross Societies would have an opportunity at Brussels of discussing
questions relating to nursing considered in conjunction with the activities of the
Red Cross. It was therefore appropriate that the League should lay before the
International Conference questions of a nature to interest all the national Societies.
As regards the second
proposal, the Secretary General agreed that it fully represented the intention
of the Secretariat. The question raised by the Hungarian Red Cross could not in
fact be settled in the same way for every country. In some countries, the Red
Cross had never intervened in the education of nurses but, once the latter had obtained their diploma, had
confined itself to registering them as potential Red Cross workers. This system
had been applied by the American and British Red Cross Societies and, in a
certain measure, in other countries also. There were, however, a certain number
of cases in which the credit for having introduced a system of nursing education
was, from the very outset, due to the Red Cross. In Japan, for example, the Red
Cross was initiator of the nursing profession. The same applied in some of the Eastern
European countries: Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Greece, where the Red Cross had
organized courses at which the first trained nurses in these countries had received their tuition.
The proposal made by
the Hungarian Red Cross was not therefore a measure that should be generalized
but one that should be taken into consideration in each country individually.
It would, in consequence be well if the XIVth Conference, at which
the national Red Cross Societies will be represented, were given an opportunity
of outlining Red Cross policy in this respect.
The third proposal
put forward by Sir Edward Stewart was in conformity with the recommendation made
by the Advisors who examined this question in October last, and the procedure
to be followed should, no doubt be dictated by that recommendation”.
“b) Pan-American Bureau.
M. Conill was invited
to speak.
M. CONILL wished to
present a few observations regarding the collaboration of the League
Secretariat in the development of the Red Cross in Latin America. This
collaboration with the Societies of the South American States was one of the
most glorious phases in the history of the League. Before the foundation of the
League, the countries of Latin America having a Red Cross Society could be
counted on the fingers, whereas to-day practically everyone of these countries
had formed a national Society. Honduras, Nicaragua and San Domingo alone had
not yet become members of the League. This was an admirable achievement of the
Pan-American Bureau. With a view to furthering the development of the Red Cross
in Latin America, M. Conill suggested that the Secretariat assist in the
establishment and development of national Societies and that it collaborate
with Societies already in existence in order to extend their activities under
the three following heads: training of nurses,
Junior Red Cross and health propaganda.
As regards the
question of the training of nurses, the
Latin American countries had not yet established any schools of nursing and could
not therefore avail themselves of the Bedford College courses; their students
held no diploma and were consequently ineligible for the advanced courses. The
Executive Committee would do well to instruct the Secretariat to continue its
collaboration with a view to the establishment of schools of nursing in Latin
America; this, M. Conill added, was an important point.
Health propaganda
could be developed if the Executive Committee authorized the preparation and
printing of documents in Spanish and Portuguese. He pointed out that it was a
unique circumstance that there should be twenty nations speaking the same
language, and which in consequence could receive documents in Spanish alone.
The “Information Bulletin” should be continued and published in
Portuguese and Spanish.
Furthermore, in view
of the vast expanse of some of the Latin American States, where the local
Committees were almost completely isolated from their Central Committee and
were practically autonomous, in order to ensure closer collaboration it might
be advisable to consider the periodical convocation of national Conferences.
M. Conill proposed that the Executive Committee authorize a representative of
the Pan- American Bureau to visit Latin America, should such a visit be
considered necessary from the point of view of increasing the number of, and of
co-operating in the organization of these Conferences.
M. Conill summed up
his three proposals and asked whether they were approved.
The CHAIRMAN asked
whether there were any further observations.
thanked M. Conill for his suggestions and stressed the importance which the
Secretariat had always attached to the development of the Red Cross in Latin
America. He was at the disposal of the national Societies to examine with them
any activity they might wish to undertake. If the proposals made by M. Conill
met with the approval of The Executive Committee, the Secretariat would, in so far
as its budget permitted, make a study of the steps to be taken with a view to
furthering the development of Latin American Red Cross Societies.
M. CONILL asked
whether he should make a formal proposal or whether it would suffice to place
the Committee’s approval on record.
The CHAIRMAN asked M.
Conill to summarize his proposal.
M. CONILL proposed
the following resolution:
The Committee approves the work already undertaken in
Latin America and recommends that this work be continued, in so far as the
budget of the League would permit, more particularly in connexion with the
training of nurses, the Juior Red Cross
and health propaganda”
The CHAIRMAN was sure
that all the members of the Committee were in agreement as to the policy to be
followed in Latin America and, if there were no objections, M. Conill’s
proposal would be regarded as adopted”.
The International Red Cross Committee and the League
of Red Cross Societies have agreed to propose that the following questions be
placed on the agenda of the XIVth International ed Cross Conference:
Action taken in respect of Resolution XIII of the Xlllth
International Red Cross Conference concerning the nursing activities of the Red Cross:
enrolment of trained nurses; training and
enrolment of voluntary aids (Recommendation VI);
professional training of nurses (Recommendation VII):
Fundamental principles to be observed in the establishment of schools of nursing (Recommendation
Red Cross role in the training of nurses (Hungarian Red Cross).
training of auxiliary public health nurses
… ”.
“c) Conditions to be laid down in order that the
League may obtain the active collaboration of the counsellors nominated by the
different national Societies”.
The SECRETARY GENERAL stated that the national
Societies had already nominated 150 technical experts on different questions.
Some of the Societies had, however, informed the League that they were unable to
nominate authorities in advance for the purpose of advising the Secretariat on
different subjects. The Secretariat would therefore simply ask the national Red
Cross Societies to find the qualified experts in each case and to forward the
necessary information. The experts already appointed included:
experts for question relating to Nursing
87 “
“ “ “ “ Health
11 “
“ “ “ “ Infant
17 “
“ “ “ “ Junior
Red Cross
9 “
“ “ “ “ Relief
16 “
“ “ “ “ General
M, CONILL wished to know what procedure had hitherto
been adopted when the Secretariat desired to consult the experts.
The SECRETARY GENERAL replied that, at its last
meeting, he asked the Executive Committee for authority to convene a special
meeting for the purpose of studying nursing questions and, as a result of this authority, a
special meeting of Advisors on Nursing was held in October, when the programme
to be discussed at the Brussels Conference was established.