Board of Governors

33rd Meeting of the Board of Governors, Geneva, 1975


The Red Cross and International Women’ s Year

The Board of Governors,

Recalling that 1975 is International Women’s Year and that throughout this year special attention must be devoted to worldwide study of the promotion of the situation of women, in the context of development and peace,

Endorses fully the noble objectives of International Women’s Year,

Expressed the wish that the documents adopted by the World, Conference on International Women’s Year at Mexico City in June 1975 be studied by the competent bodies of the League”.


Coordination of the activities of Advisory Committees

The Board of Governors,

Cognisant of the recommendation of the Health and Social Service Advisory Committee to the 1974 Session of the Executive Committee to the effect that the Health and Social Service, Youth. Nursing and Development Programme Advisory Committees should be merged to form a General Commission that might be called the Standing Programmes Commission;

Agreeing that there is a need for closer coordination of the activities carried on under the competence of these four Advisory Committees;

Believing that the next few years will continue to be critical for the Development Programme;

Recommends that there be regular annual meetings of the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Advisory Committees, possibly with the Committee of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the League; and,

Recommends further that the Development Programme Advisory Committee remains in being”.


Elections and Appointments

The Board of Governors.

4. Elects as members of the Nursing Advisory Committee for a period of four years the National Societies bf the following countries:

Egypt; Ghana; Greece; Japan; Mexico; Phillippines; Romania; Thailand”

Board of Governors

32nd Meeting of the Board of Governors, Tehran, 1973

“Resolution No. 25

Nursing and the Community

The Board of Governors,

Recognizing that in community health services, both preventive and curative, the nurse is called upon to provide leadership and coordination,

Recommends that her expertise be used to the full at all levels, local, national and international, in programme planning, implementation and evaluation,

Furthermore recognizing the need for nurses to keep fully informed of events in professional development,

Also recommends that nurses participate in conferences, workshops and other gatherings at which overall issues of community services are being studied, as well as in educational programmes, which can help them to be pre- pared for the role they should play in community development”.

“Resolution no. 26

Nursing within the League

The Board of Governors,

Taking into account the study on the reappraisal of the role of the Red Cross and the possible re-structuring which may follow.

Recognizing the present development of nursing,

Considering the League to have a dual responsibility

  • to contribute to the maintenance of the highest possible standards in nursing education and practice
  • to develop the participation of nursing as a profession in joint planning of the Red Cross programmes within the League,

Recommends that a committee of experts in nursing be retained within the statutory structure of the League with a direct channel of communication to the governing bodies of the League”.

“Resolution No. 27

Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The Board of Governors,

Having heard the report of the Nursing Advisory Committee,

Approves the report and congratulates the Committee on its excellent work”

“Resolution No. 36


The Board of Governors,

7. Elects the National Societies of the following countries as members of the Nursing Advisory Committee for a period of four years:

Germany (Fed.Rep.); Great Britain; Korea (Rep.); Lebanon; Netherlands; Switzerland; and


Board of Governors

31st Meeting of the Board of Governors, Mexico City, 1971

“Resolution No. 22 31st Meeting of the Board of Governors, Mexico City, 12-16 October 1971


The Board of Governors.

Approves the guidelines drafted by the Secretariat of the League on the participation of nurses in national and international emergency relief action.

Recommends that these guidelines be disseminated as widely as possible”.

“Resolution No. 23


The Board of Governors,

Recommends that National Societies, when planning nursing programmes, consider the guidelines prepared by the Secretariat of the League of Red Cross Societies”.

“Resolution No. 24


The Board of Governors,

Recognizing the role played by National Societies in nursing education,

Recommends that during their training nursing-personnel of all categories be informed of community development techniques, emphasizing the principles and methods of investigation into current community needs, especially the importance of including members of the community itself in any such investigation.

“Resolution No. 25


The Board of Governors,

Having taken note of the Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee which held its XXth Session in Geneva from 11 to 13 May 1971,

Approves the Report and congratulates the Committee on its excellent work”.

Board of Governors

30th Session of the Board of Governors, Istanbul, 1969


History of Nursing Teaching

The Committee,

Recognising the value of the contribution made to the teaching of the history of nursing from its origin to the end of the 19th century through the series of slides published by the League of Red Cross Societies,

Recommends that the League pursues with the assistance of the National Societies, the publication of slides illustrating the development of nursing in the 20th century”.


Nurses and the League Red Cross Development Programme

The Committee,

Having taken cognizance of the League Red Cross Development Programme,

Recognising that nurses can make a greater contribution than heretofore to the said Programme,

  1. encourage nurses in the developing countries to help their respective National Red Cross Societies in determining Red Cross nursing activities and other health Programmes which best meet the needs of the people of these countries,
  • continue to guide and assist:
  • the recipient Societies in the formulation of suitable nursing programmes which meet the country’s needs;
  • the sponsor Societies in providing them with all relevant information on the nursing needs and problems of the Societies they plan to assist;
  • ensure the co-ordination of all assistance in nursing given under the Development Programme”.


Health in the Home Teaching Programme

The Committee,

Expresses appreciation of the educational activity, as carried out by the League Nursing Bureau over the past twenty years on behalf of National Societies through the Health in the Home teaching programme;

Recommends that this activity be continued to enable new National Societies, particularly those in developing areas, to establish and develop this teaching activity as a valuable means of health education.”


Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The Board of Governors,

Having heard the Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee,

Approves the Report and congratulates the Committee on its excellent work”.

“Resolution No. 29


The Governing Board,

8. Elects on the proposal of the Committee of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen the National Societies of the following countries as members of the Nursing Advisory Committee:

Denmark; Germany (Fed. Rep.); India; Netherlands; Norway; Spain; Italy; Japan; Lebanon; Switzerland; Togo; Turkey; Liberia”

Board of Governors

29th Session of the Board of Governors, The Hague, 1967


The Board of Governors,

Considering the responsibility of nurses towards developing Red Cross programmes,

Asks that the League Secretariat consider:

  1. developing criteria by which priorities may be established in order that areas of greatest need receive first consideration?
  • informing National Societies of these criteria in order that they may plan accordingly for participation in the future plan of action of the League in relation to nursing,
  • re-assessing the number of staff and the necessary supporting budgets for programmes in nursing in due proportion to the total development programme of the League”.


Red Cross Auxiliary Nursing Personnel

            The Board of Governors,

            Approves the “Red Cross Auxiliary Nursing Personnel – Basic Guidelines” drafted by the Secretariat of the League,

Recommends that the principles contained therein be adopted by the National Societies as the basis for the recruitment, preparation and assignment of their auxiliary nursing personnel

Recommends further that the said document be widely distributed to National Societies, to schools of nursing and to national and international organisations concerned with nursing”.


Nurses and Disaster Nursing

The Board of Governors,

            Recognising the need for nurses to participate in disaster relief actions, and considering that in doing so they may be called upon to work in conditions and cultures other than their own,

            Recognising further that nurses in all countries are called upon more and more to care at all times for people of various cultures and creeds,

            Recommends that the basic as well as post-basic education of the nurse in all countries should include the related teaching in social sciences, and

            Suggests that the above recommendation be referred to the I.C.N. with the wish that it be circulated to national nurses’ associations”.


Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee

The Board of Governors,

            Having heard the Report of the Nursing Advisory Committee,

            Approves the report and congratulates the Committee on its excellent work.”

Board of Governors

26th Session of the Board of Governors, Vienna, 1965


Meeting new Needs: in Red Cross Nursing

The Board of Governors,

Considering that technical assistance is being offered to National Societies through the League Development Programme,

Recognising that there is much that nurses can contribute to the said Programme, especially in the field of health teaching to both adults and juniors,

Recommends that National Societies supporting the Development Programme in the field of nursing make full use of the best professional nursing guidance available’ in their country and ensure that any nursing assistance given under that programme remain of a high standard as well as being adapted to recognised needs”.


Guidelines for Red Cross, Nursing Activities

The Board of Governors,

Approves the Guidelines drafted by the League for Red Cross nursing service and, 

Recommends that the principles contained therein be recognised by National Societies as basic to all their nursing activities”.


Guidelines for Auxiliary Nursing ‘Personnel’

The Board of Governors,

Recommends that the League establish Guidelines for us by National Societies in the enrolment and preparation of auxiliary nursing personnel of all categories,

And thereby stresses the need for such Guidelines to remain flexible and adaptable to varying circumstances and needs in different countries”.

Board of Governors

26th Session of the Board of Governors, Geneva,1963

Nothing noted of interest in the present context, nor any mention of individual women.

Board of Governors

26th Session of the Board of Governors, Prague, 1961


World Red Cross Medical and Nursing Foundation

The Board of Governors,

having heard the proposal made by the Australian Red Cross for a plan to provide increased medical services to countries in course of development,

considering the recommendations made by the XVth Session of the Nursing Advisory Committee and the IXth Session of the Health Advisory Committee,

approves in principle such a plan,

recognizes, however, that the existing League scholarship and study visit scheme as well as the League scheme for supplying material, should be designed precisely to provide the services envisaged, decides to strengthen the League scheme rather than to establish a separate Foundation”.

Board of Governors

25th Meeting of the Board of Governors, Athens, 1959


Red Cross Centenary


            The Board of Governors,

Noting the outstanding success of the special commemorative ceremonies at Solferino and Castiglione, on 27th June last, organised by the Italian Red Cross, under the patronage of Mrs Giovanni Gronchi, Chairman of the Ladies’ Committee of the Italian Red Cross and wife of the President of te Italian Republic, …”


The Red Cross as a Factor for World Peace

The Board of Governors,

Drawing attention to the appeal of the XIXth International Conference of the Red Cross which called upon Governments of all countries “to neglect no endeavour to settle their disputes in a pacific manner and in all their acts to obey the ideal of human fellowship and humanitarian principles recognised by all nations;

Calls upon all national Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Lion and Sun Societies to make every effort to promote peace and intensify their combined efforts in

  1. a) providing aid to the sick, distressed, homeless, to refugeesand the victims of wars and disasters,
  2. b) educating boys and girls through the Red Cross Institutions in the spirit of international brotherhood, solidarity and friendship, among the people,

Thus demonstrating the action of the Red Cross in the promotion of peace.”




Florence Nightingale International Foundation

The Board of Governors,

Considering that the League of Red Cross Societies was instrumental in establishing the Florence Nightingale International Foundation and has supported it financial and participated in the development of its programme,

That in giving guidance to its member Societies, about one-third of which conduct nursing education programmes, the League follows the standards recommended by the International Council of Nurses, and therefore needs to be continuously cognizant of those standards,

That, through its knowledge of needs and conditions in various parts of the world, the League can give information to the International Council of Nurses which will help it furthering its work,

RECOMMENDS that National Societies approach the National Nurses’ Associations of their countries, asking them to support the representation of the League of Red Cross Societies on the Florence Nightingale Education Committee of the International Council of Nurses


Study Visits at League Headquarters

            The Board of Governors,

RECOMMENDS that National Societies consider the assignment to the League Nursing Bureau, from time to time, of members of their nursing service staff,

Further RECOMMENDS that such assignments be considered as a part of advanced nursing education programmes under scholarship grants”.


Home Nursing

The Board of Governors,

Having received with interest, the report of the IInd International Meeting of Red Cross Home Nursing Instructors, approve the suggestions made therein”.


Care of the Aged

            The Board of Governors,

Having reviewed the various services whereby the Red Cross in different countries contributions to the well-being of the aged,

Recognise that such services often include nursing care,

RECOMMENDS that National Societies call on the members of their nursing personnel to take part in the planning and activities of such services”.


Nurses and First Aid

            The Board of Governors,

Recognising that training in first aid contributes to nursing education

RECOMMENDS THAY National Societies offer such training to all schools of nursing in their respective countries”.


World Mental Health Year

The Board of Governors,

Recognising that 1960 is to be known as “World Mental Health Day”

RECOMMENDS that National Societies encourage members of their nursing services to participate in activities planned in their respective countries”.

Board of Governors

24th Session of the Board of Governors, New Delhi, 1957

Red Cross Centenary


The Board of Governors,

Having heard the Report of the Commission for the Red Cross Centenary,

Approves this Report,

Congratulates the Commission on its excellent work,

Recommends it to study the proposals submitted to the Board of Governors by the National Societies of Australia, Belgium, Iraq, and Pakistan, with a view to the foundation of scholarships for persons wishing to train for medical or nursing work; it furthermore recommends the study of any suggestion in line with the general idea of the fund proposed by the Australian Red Cross.

Decides to broaden the terms of reference af the Commission, and to instruct it also to prepare the commemoration of the Centenary of the foundation of the Red Cross in 1963-1964, in co-operation with the International Committee of the Red Cross”.